Dr. Hamid El Qarnia
Dr. Hamid El Qarnia completed his Doctorat in Energetic (November 1988) from Cadi Ayyad University (Marrakesh, Morocco) and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering on the topic of PCM integrated in heat exchangers to prevent frosting (June1999) from Sherbrooke University (Québec, Canada). He has worked as Associate Professor at Faculty of sciences Semlalia (Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh) from 1989 to 1995. He has also worked as Assistant teacher at Mechanical Engineering Department (Sherbrooke University, Canada) from 1996 to 1999. From February to July 2000, he worked as a Postdoctoral researcher at Mechanical Engineering Department (Sherbrooke University). From February to July 2001, he worked as a consultant and supervisor of projects on heat transfer applications at ENERSTAT Entreprise at Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada), Dr. Hamid El Qarnia is currently Professor at Faculty of sciences Semlalia (Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco). His actual research activities concern the modeling and simulation of heat transfer during solid-liquid phase change process to improve the design of latent heat storage systems and optimize their performances. He is also working on the application of PCM for thermal solar energy storage. He is also interested on the development of analytical solutions of solid-liquid phase change process. He has published several research papers in various international journals and conferences. He served as an editorial board for 4 journals and as a reviewer for several international journals, research project and chapter book. Further, he was member of several scientific committees of International Conferences. He was a chairman of the International Meeting on Heat Transfer (JITH2013, November 13-15, Marrakesh, Morocco). He has also organized the first Symposium on Analytical and Numerical Solutions of Melting and Solidification Problems’’, SANSMSP 2012 (ICNAAM 2012, September 19-25, Kos, Greece).
Prof. Alberto Coronas
worked as lecturer at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Rovira i Virgili University until 2001 and since then as full professor on Thermal Engineering. He is the head and founder of the Research Group on Applied Thermal Engineering (CREVER) since 1994. His research activity covers the field of absorption technology for industrial refrigeration, heat pumps and chillers, heat and mass transfer in sorption processes and thermophysical properties of new working mixtures, and polygeneration technologies. He has a very good knowledge on cooling applications in industries (agrofood, petrochemicals, plastics manufacturing, etc) and the recent developments in the cooling market from new systems to advances in existing technologies. The research group is also internationally recognized by its knowledge on the development of new configurations of advanced absorption chillers using conventional and new working fluids. Prof. Coronas has served on many scientific committees of such international conferences as International Sorption Heat Pump Conference, Solar Air Conditioning Conference, International Polygeneration Conference (2007, 2011, 2015, 2017, and 2019), IMPRES (2013, 2017), CYTEF, Gustav Lorentzen Conferences on Natural refrigerants etc. He served as managing Guest Editor for Applied Thermal Engineering (Elsevier) in 2012, 2016 and 2018 and for the Science and Technology for the Built Environment (CRC Press Group) in 2015. Professor Coronas served as a vice-president of Commission E2 Heat Pumps, energy recovery of the International Institute of Refrigeration IIR between 2012 and 2015 before becoming President. Title of the plenary conference: “New developments on absorption heat pumps and chillers driven by low-grade heat for cooling and heating applications”
Prof. Noureddine HAJJAJI
Noureddine HAJJAJI is an Associate Professor at National Engineering School of Gabes ENIG, Tunisia. He completed his Ph.D at National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine INPL (Fr) and obtained his Habilitation Thesis in 2017 at the Lorraine University (Fr). His research interest lies in the area of Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Product Footprint PEF, bio-energy systems investigation (hydrogen, biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel, etc.), Energy/Exergy/Emergy analysis, as well as the thermo-chemical valorization of biomass. Noureddine has held several positions such as coordinator of a Research Unit Catalysis Materials for the Environment and Processes RUCMEP, Director of Department of Chemical-Process Engineering and technical Director of Product Environmental Footprint PEF in Tunisia, etc. Noureddine conducts several research projects with international institutions such as: CD2E- Lille, LRGP Nancy, INRA Montpellier, IRSTEA-Montpellier, INRA-Rennes, CNAM-Paris, Dokuz Eylul Turkey, Pre-consultant Netherland, etc.